November Sermon SeriesEach November, as we prepare for Thanksgiving (a time where we pause and say thank you to God for His blessings), we also want to ensure we are being good stewards of His blessings. This year, we will be using a resource by Andy Stanley to guide our discussion. We have a copy of this book available for free to each West Side Christian. If you didn’t get one Sunday October 27th, make sure you let Michael or Cheryl know.
From the book description … “As Christians, we know that we should give but under the growing pressure to make ends meet each month, fear often stands in the way of generosity. And when we let it, this fear has the potential to rob us of an intimate relationship with God. Fields of Gold will change the way you think about money and giving. When we truly understand God’s power and presence, we can’t help but trust Him to meet our needs.”
November 24, 2019
How to Be Financially Happy Dr. Marty Egelston, Minister |
November 17, 2019
In Partnership with God Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
Sermon Notes
Sermon Notes
November 10, 2019
Sowing for the Harvest Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
November 3, 2019
Trusting God Through the What Ifs Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
Sermon Notes
Sermon Notes