Q: What is the style of Worship at West Side? A: Worship at West Side is very important. You will notice a great blend between our valued past and our vibrant future through our music selection. Our Sunday morning worship is a blend of hymns and choruses mixed with contemporary worship music and led by our praise band. Every Sunday we will have communion, offering, prayer, and a life relevant sermon.
Q: What do you have for my Children on Sunday Mornings? A: On Sunday Mornings we have several options for your children that use age relevant lessons and activities to teach your children about the love and grace of Jesus Christ. All our workers have passed a complete background check before they are allowed to work with Children.
Q: What should I wear to a service at West Side? A: On a typical Sunday you will see people wearing anything from a suit and tie to jeans and a polo. All we ask is that your dress be modest in nature.
Q: What happens during a worship service at West Side? A: At West Side we try not to be very liturgical, but there a few key elements that we believe should happen during our Sunday service. Each week we spend time worshiping God through song, taking of the Lord’s Supper, and listening to a life relevant sermon preached from the Word of God.
Q: How can I get busy serving at West Side? A: At West Side discipleship is our goal. That means we find it very important to plug you and your family into one of our many ministries. Your place in ministry will be based off of your God given talents and abilities. West Side takes seriously its responsibility to equip our members for the journey of life. We provide worship, Bible study, fellowship, and ministry opportunities for all our members. One final thought, no one will be twisting your arm to serve in our Church, we want you to desire to serve because of your love for the church and for Jesus!
Q: Will you ask for my money? A: At West Side we believe tithing is a spiritual discipline that all Christians are to practice. However, West Side does not exist to make money; we are here to help further the kingdom of Christ by bringing people into a life changing relationship with Jesus. We believe fiscal responsibility and good stewardship in our spending is the plan of God for both his Church and his children. If you are someone seeking God we want to stress there is no pressure for you to give anything unless you desire to. In addition to this, we believe that Christians should primarily give to their home congregation. Therefore, if you are visiting with us from another Church, you are under no obligation to tithe, instead follow your own conscience. At West Side we do teach our members that tithing is a spiritual discipline of Christian growth, not an option, but it is still in their own hands as to how they choose to give.