Our Ministers
Senior Minister - Michael Dawson
Michael hails from Zanesville, Ohio, where he grew up in faith at the North Terrace Church of Christ. When he was fourteen years old, he accepted Christ as his Lord, Master, and Savior and was immersed. Michael's decision to follow Christ was the culmination of people pouring their faith into his life.
When Michael was in high school, he felt the gentle nudge of God calling him into full time ministry. He answered that call by enrolling at Mid-Atlantic Christian University in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Michael graduated from MACU in 2007 with a B.S. in Bible and Theology with minors in Preaching and Counseling. Before coming to West Side in August 2009, Michael served as a youth minister with churches in North Carolina and Virginia. Michael began serving West Side in August 2009 as the Associate Minister transiting into the role of Senior Minister. That transition became compete on January 1, 2014. While at MACU he met his wife Crystal. They were married in 2007. Together they have two daughters, Alivia and Evelyn, and one son Cole. Michael is an avid football fan and even admits that he is a supporter of the Cleveland Browns. He can often be heard telling people he “bleeds scarlet and grey” due to his deep love for the Ohio State Buckeyes football program. You can follow Michael on his blog where he sporadically (the key word there, he hasn't posted in four years) writes his thoughts concerning life and ministry at www.michaeldawsononline.com. You can email Michael at [email protected] |
Children's Minister - Crystal Dawson
Bio Coming Soon
You can email Crystal at [email protected]
You can email Crystal at [email protected]