Evangelism. That one word carries a lot of meaning for many Christians. For some, sharing their faith and the hope they in have in Jesus is easy. They love to tell family, friends, and complete strangers why they need Jesus in their lives. However, for others, that word conjures up emotions like fear, dread, and anxiety. It’s not that those people don’t feel others need Jesus, they are just fearful of the process of sharing their faith. Sadly, too many Christians find themselves in this latter category. In this series titled, Tell Someone, we will seek to understand evangelism, and learn some best practices, so we can each share our faith.
Series based off of Greg Laurie book and Bible study title Tell Someone
February 23, 2020
You Will Be My Witnesses Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
February 16, 2020
Dealing with Evangelistic Disappointment MIchael Dawson, Senior Minister |
Sermon Notes
February 9, 2020
How To Tell Someone Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
February 2, 2020
Knowing People Who Need Jesus Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
Sermon Notes
Sermon Notes
January 26, 2020
I Am Worthy to Tell Someone Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
January 19, 2020
Tell Someone Michael Dawson, Senior Minister |
Sermon Notes
Sermon Notes