Posted Thursday April 2, 2020 at 4:15 p.m. ~ Hello West Side. It is with deep sadness, and much prayer, that as a leadership team we have made the decision to adhere to our states Stay at Home Order, As you may be aware, today, Governor DeWine extended the order until May 1st. In response to that, we will not be having any in person services on Sunday mornings through the month of April. That also means there will be no Bible Studies, group meetings, or any other events taking place at our building. We will continue to meet online on Sunday's mornings at 10:00 a.m. We are also looking at online ways to continue our Bible studies and children's ministry. Again, we thank you for your prayers and understanding.
Posted Friday March 20, 2020 at 2:49 p.m. - Hello West Side. We are all set to live stream our services again this Sunday. You can join the live stream on YouTube on our West Side Church of Christ channel. To make this easy to find on your smart TV, a connected TV, tablet, phone, or computer, we encourage you to subscribe to our channel. You can also watch the YouTube link on our home page at We will continue to stream the service on our West Side Facebook group as well. This Sunday we are also adding a 7 minute element after communion directed at our West Side Kids. They will be able to continue the lesson series they are currently in. On our homepage you can download and print the worksheets that go with the lesson in advance. We will also have sermon notes you can download and print in advance. If you cannot print, we have children's packets and sermon notes available in a tub outside the entrance at the church. Also in the tub are sealed communion cups with juice. Again, we thank you for your prayers, and flexibility during this time. We look forward to worshiping with you online this Sunday.
Children's Worksheets![]()
Sermon Notes![]()
Posted Tuesday March 17, 2020 at 10:20 a.m. - Hello West Side. As a leadership, we have continued to monitor the evolving decisions by the federal and state health officials concerning the Coronavirus. We have also prayerfully consider our response and reaction. It is our decision to be good citizens at this time to help expedite our national return to normal. At this time, we have made the challenging decision to cancel our in-person services for the next two Sundays. Those Sunday's are March 22, and 29. At this point we have decided to follow a two week pattern in making our decisions. We will continue to meet online on YouTube and Facebook. Thank you to everyone who participated, or tried to participate last Sunday. We are continuing to work to make the live-streams the best possible quality. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me or your Shepherd Elder. Thank you for your prayers, your flexibility, and your understanding.
Posted Saturday March 14, 2020 at 1:33 - Hello West Side. Again, thank you for your prayers and patience as we close our services tomorrow, March 15 due to the Covid-19 Coronovirus. We are ready to announce how you can watch our online service at 10:00 am. The easiest way to do so, is to log onto our website,, and you will find the livestream at the top of the home page. If you will be watching on a Smart TV, or directly from YouTube on a tablet or laptop, you can find West Side on YouTube. Simply look for our blue circle with the colored cross and the letters WS after searching for West Side Church of Christ. We will also be streaming the service on our Facebook group as we do each Sunday. Here is the YouTube link ...
Posted Friday March 13, 2020 at 10:35 - Hello West Side. We want to thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigate this unprecedented moment in our lives. As a leadership, we have been prayerfully considering our response to the Covid-19 Coronavirus. At the request of Governor Mike DeWine and the State of Ohio, and out of an abundance of caution to our most vulnerable members, we have made the challenging decision to cancel our in-person services on Sunday morning March 15th.
However, we do not want to neglect meeting together. Sunday morning, at 10:00 am, we will meet together online on our church YouTube page. We will share links for the live stream on Facebook, Instagram, our church website, as well as in an email and text message. We encourage you to participate on a laptop, tablet, or even a connected device to your TV. This is also an opportunity to share our service with your friends and family by sharing the link with them so that they can join us as well. If you are not able to watch the live stream, a recording of the service will also be available on our website by Wednesday March 18th.
We recognize that not all West Side Christians will be able to meet online. However, if you know of a church member who does not have internet access, take this as an opportunity to invite them over.
We will also be partaking of communion. If you choose to join us during that time, we encourage you to pick up supplies to do so and have them ready at the start of the live stream.
In addition, we are suspending all activities at the church building for the week of March 15th through the end of March 21st, including Bible studies and choir practice. The church office will remain open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. If you are in need of assistance, please contact the church office or your shepherding group leader. Also, be looking for contact points from the church via phone and social media.
Friends, this is a very fluid situation. What we believed about Covid-19 has greatly changed in the last 72 hours. Our prayer is that the actions our country is taking right now will drastically curve the bell, and these actions will only be an inconvenience.
Finally, this is a week by week decision process. Our canceling of services for this Sunday March 15th are not an indication that services beyond this week will be canceled. As updated information is available, we will prayerfully consider our service structure and will provide updates throughout the week via phone and social media.
Again, thank you for your patience, your prayers, and your flexibility. The health and safety of our most vulnerable members is at the top of our priorities. We will get through this, and we will soon return to normal. While the world around us changes, we can find rest in our God that does not change. We have hope through Jesus that surpasses all understanding, and this is a perfect opportunity to share your hope with others as they search for truth. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your shepherd, your fellow church members, or myself.
In Christ, Michael Dawson, Senior Minister