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West Side's Covid-19 Reopening Survey
As a leadership, we are looking at how we can soon return to church. Part of that process is determining what our first services will look like and when they will be. Right now, we are researching an opening between May 24th and June 7th. Your completion of this survey will help us make our next decisions.
Which date would you be comfortable coming back to church?
May 24th
May 31st
June 7th
Sometime Later
I will be there when the doors are open
If Other please specify:
Please indicate which of these protective steps you are in favor of:
Collection box at the exit for offering
Pre-packaged communion cups (commercially packaged and sealed) and placed on an open table to pick up before service
Optional mask wearing
Required mask wearing
No handshakes or hugs
Social distancing measures (use of every other pew, separation in the hallways, etc.)
As we begin the process of reopening, there will be no Sunday School classes or additional children’s programming for the first few weeks.
We again thank you for your prayers, flexibility and understanding as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters. We thank you for taking this survey.
If you have any additional suggestions or thoughts, please share them here.
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