Every home needs a good foundation. Every organization needs to build a structure upon which a successful system can be established. Every seed sown needs to be planted in the soil so it’s roots can set it up for success. In this new sermon series, we will be looking at some of our core beliefs as the West Side Church of Christ. Like a seed sown into the ground, we want to be firmly planted in our faith and in our beliefs.
Video and Graphics used from open.church
May 5, 2019
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Our baptism is one of our most memorable life events. It marks the moment and time we received our salvation from our sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is a moment in time we can look back upon and know that we are saved from the punishment of our sin. Today, as we conclude our Planted series, we will define one final essential belief we as West Side Christians hold onto.
April 28, 2019
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Jesus is Alive! He has conquered the grave and defeated death. That is the core beliefs we studied last week as we celebrated Resurrection Sunday. But why? Why did Jesus have to suffer? Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Why did Jesus have to resurrect from the dead? He did, so that He could offer us grace. As we continue in our series Planted, we will discover what grace is and what it means for us.
April 21, 2019
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
He is Risen! No longer is Jesus in the grave! Today we celebrate, that three days after He was nailed to the cross for our sins, He conquered the grave. That truth is foundational to our faith as Christians. Today, this Resurrection Sunday, we will seek to understand another one of our core values, as we to seek to understand what the resurrection of Jesus means for our faith.
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April 14, 2019
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Communion. This one word elicits thoughts and memories to each and every Christian. We know this sacred meal, also called the Lord’s Supper, is the act, participated in each and every week, where we remember Christ’s death on the cross for our sins. We partake of the bread to remember His broken body. We drink the fruit of the vine to remind us of His blood shed on the cross. As powerful as this is, is there more to communion? Today, we will find out as we continue in our Planted series.
April 7, 2019
The Bible
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
The Bible
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Our Church belongs to a group of churches who are part of the Restoration Movement. We believe our guidance comes from no other place than the Bible. We often say, “No Creeds but Christ, no book but the Bible, no law but love, no name but the divine.” Our goal is to restore the church described in the New Testament. But what gives this book so much authority and power? Today, we will explore how the Bible is both inspired by God and the very breath of God.
March 31, 2019
Our Restoration Roots
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Our Restoration Roots
Michael Dawson, Senior Minister
Every home needs a good foundation. Every organization needs to build a structure upon which a successful system can be established. Every seed sown needs to be planted in the soil so it’s roots can set it up for success. Today, we begin a new sermon series, where we are looking at some of our core beliefs as the West Side Church of Christ. Like a seed sown into the ground, we want to be firmly planted in our faith and in our beliefs. We start this journey by reminding ourselves what it means to be a Restoration Movement Church.